Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Ethan turns 4

I am a little behind on this post (like 2 weeks), but better late than never. I used to write on the boys totsite all the time. Sadly, there is hardly time to sit and eat much less to write on blogs. So for now, I will cherish those days when I could write on their totsite frequently, but accept that I am one person trying to keep afloat in this life with 3 little ones. All that to say, I am just going to post our family stuff here to for awhile. And a very huge part of our family is our newly turned four little boy. Oh how I love him!

We celebrate both Gavin and Ethan together in the middle of April so both boys tend to get a little extra celebration on their actual birthday. We happily spent his big day with the Halls. Ethan isn't much of a dessert lover but he sure loved blowing out his candles and turning 4! Now that he is 4 he can suddenly walk to the bathroom without me (he had regressed quite a bit needing mommy for EVERYTHING when Chloe came home). He sleeps in on his own...well, on the bottom bunk in Gavin's room! I don't care where he sleeps as long as its not with me! And now that he is 4 he can suddenly dress himself and put on his own seat belt. Praise The Lord! This kid knows more about states than I know about shopping! Seriously, it's amazing...he can place every state where it goes on the map and knows every capital too! His favorite state is Rhode Island which he has named "the little guy". At his friends build a bear birthday he named the monkey he made Rhode Island. Obsessed!!!! He is one smart cookie! He loves to ask if we can talk about states at dinner...needless to say forced geography lesson for mommy! He loves to read...he has memorized several books and takes pride in "reading" them all on his own. He even tries to sound out words. His favorite book is Pete's Big Lunch:) I am looking forward to see what his year as a four year old brings. We are already off to a great start! Love you little Ethan Paul!!! 

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